Yellow Cab’s “No Stopping The Hungry” Campaign is a Tribute to Hungry Dreamers

Yellow Cab’s all new, smashing campaign, “No Stopping the Hungry” was unveiled on

Pizza aside, Yellow Cab Pizza Co.’s new campaign is one that I can easily relate to and I can honestly say felt not gimmicky. Why? Okay, let’s get straight to the point.

Yellow Cab’s huge, smashing campaign is simply dubbed “No Stopping the Hungry.” In a nutshell, the campaign speaks to the young and not-so-young peeps out there with great ambition, make an impact, and desire to change the world through their chosen field.

For its part, Yellow Cab’s campaign asserts what believes to be the role of “pizza” in feeding the passion and determination that eventually led to the successes and greatness of some of the most successful personalities locally and abroad.

There’s no doubt it is boxes and boxes of pizza that fuel, if not the best feeder around, of the hungriest. Pizza, which Yellow Cab believes, is definitely responsible for the transformation of the the lives of these young, courageous and passionate folks.

Not missing a beat, Yellow Cab picked eight of the country’s hungriest personalities in the field of sports, music, fashion, film and art, to become the latest torchbearer of their campaign.

The unstoppable, new brand ambassadors was led by popular band Up Dharma Down, rapper Anygma, filmmaker Pepe Diokno, tattoo artist Ron Poe, streetwear duo designers Vince and Emil of ‘Don’t Blame The Kids’, one-woman band Skymarines, Jake de Leon of Philippine Wresting Revolution and footballer Eric Giganto of Kaya Futbol Club.

pepe diokno yellow cab pizza co
Filmmaker Pepe Diokno shares his experiences directing the eight mini-documentaries featuring the eight new brand ambassadors of Yellow Cab for “No Stopping the Hungry” campaign.

No less than Venice Film Festival filmmaker of the future awardee Diokno directed all the eight mini documetaries featuring these personalities that will be shown soon on the pizza company’s Facebook brand page.

Novo Manila Gallary in Chino Roces served as the venue, a very fitting place, to introduce these young creative and talented hungry people. Each of the eight mini documentaries’ clips were shown before the press and bloggers attending the event.

According to Mark De Joya, brand development director of Yellow Cab: “We’ve always believed that real greatness starts with being hungry, so through this campaign, we hope to ignite and fuel your personal hunger and find that something which drives you to be where or who you want to be.”

Elise Veloso, senior marketing manager of Yellos Cab Pizza Co., unveiled the search for 20 best pitches to be awarded with Php20,000 hunger grant. They’re calling this search as the “Pitch Your Hunger Contest”

yellow cab pizza co elise veloso
Yellow Cab Senior Marketing Manager Ms. Veloso talks about the “Pitch Your Hunger Contest” and what their new campaign is all about.

“We are also excited to announce that Yellow Cab wants to hear what you are hungry for and where this hunger will take you with a P20,000 hunger grant. Whether it is finally recording your music, funding your start-up business, or finally pursuing a passion project, we at Yelow Cab want to literally fuel that hunger.

Open to all Filipinos of legal age, the Pitch Your Hunger Contest will fun from October 27 to November 9, 2017. The grant is a non-repayable grant that will be given to deserving individuals or groups.

To join, Yellow Cab said participants must post their 30-second video clip pitch on instagram, using the hashtags, #FuelTheHungry, #NoStoppingTheHungry and #HungerGrants and by tagging @YellowCabPizza.

Now to the question, what makes me hungry? I’ll just leave you with this:


Ciao for now

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